Teater Dictat is a professional fringe theatre company based in the South West of Sweden, but with a greater national and international reach. As a company, we have been producing theatre since 2005.
Teater Dictat is dedicated to using relational, existential and queer perspectives in our work.
Linus Nilsson & Johan Svensson
Dramaturgy Matthew Short
Text, Concept & Direction Johan Svensson
With support from Konstnärsnämnden, Region Halland,
Varbergs kommun and Sodalitium majus lundense,
in collaboration with Varbergs riksteaterförening.
Peter Armitstead Åström, Hans Brorson & Linus Nilsson
Dramaturgy Matthew Short
Production Andreas Luukinen
Direction & Concept Johan Svensson
In collaboration with Kulturenheten, Varbergs kommun.
With support from Kulturrådet, Region Halland och ABF.
Jan Ericson, Linus Nilsson,
Cecilia Säverman & Johan Svensson
Dramaturgy, Adaptation & Assistant Direction Matthew Short
Translation, Concept & Direction Johan Svensson
With support from Statens kulturråd, Region Halland,
Region Skåne, Varbergs kommun,
in collaboration with Varbergs riksteaterförening and ABF Halland.
Dilan Amin & Peter Armitstead Åström
Dramaturgy: Matthew Short
Direction & Concept: Johan Svensson
Production: Andreas Luukinen
With support from Kulturrådet, Region Halland,
Varbergs kommun och ABF.
Teater Dictat works with a number of perspectives
and values that best represent our worldview.
They demonstrate a belief in theatre’s function and significance
for society both today and for the future.
I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.
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